S1E2: Corona and German

What are Krisenfrisen? How do you pronounce Quarantäne? What do baby elephants have to do with corona and German? 

The coronavirus pandemic has instigated a wave of new vocabulary in German, and has caused the meanings of many existing words and expressions to change. In this episode I talk to Barbara Soukup (University of Vienna) and Frauke Rüdebusch (Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache) about how COVID-19 has changed the German language.

Read the transcript here.

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About this episode's guests

Barbara Soukup. Photo © Füsselberger/privat

Barbara Soukup is an assistant professor at the Department of German Studies at the University of Vienna. As a sociolinguist, one of her main research interests is strategic language use, focusing on German in Austria and Anglicisms in the Viennese linguistic landscape.

Email: barbara.soukup@univie.ac.at

Links and information

Frauke Rüdebusch. Photo © GfdS

Frauke Rüdebusch is a research associate at the Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache (GfdS). She conducts research into many facets of the German language, including in the context of corona. One of her main areas of work also concerns first names (see links below).

Email: frauke.ruedebusch@gfds.de

Links and information

This episode was first released on 09.02.2021.

YOTE theme music by Vincent Tone (PremiumBeat.com)

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